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State/National News

ISIS About to Lose Iraq? 

By: Elliott O’Malley

For far too long nations in the Middle East have been under the thumb of the Islamic State (ISIS). After months of conflict and group efforts on behalf of multiple countries, more and more territory is being won back everyday. Iraqi forces are preparing to launch an offensive to recapture the last patch of Iraqi territory still in the hands of Islamic State. “Your security forces are now coming to liberate you,” said messages dropped by the Iraqi air force on the western border region of al-Qaim and Rawa, according to a statement from the Joint Operations Command in Baghdad. However, ISIS militant groups still hold small portions of Iraqi territory. They also continue to occupy territory on the Syrian side of the border. Still, the area under their control is rapidly shrinking as they retreat. Both the U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led coalition and Syrian government troops with foreign Shi’ite militias backed by Iran and Russia are closing in fast on remaining ISIS forces. The Islamic State’s control of the area first took major hits in July, when U.S.-backed Iraqi forces captured Mosul, the group’s de facto capital in Iraq, an intense battle which lasted nine long months. ISIS will continue to be pushed back as the free nations of the world work together to fight terrorism, however the battle is long from over. There is a long road ahead of us, but only together can we defeat this foe.

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